Project: Water Well ‘EL GHWATINE CT’


The well ‘El GHWATINE CT ‘ Object of the Public contract (N°04/2020) between the regional delegation for agricultural development of TOZEUR (the Owner) and Nizar Forage campany.

Mr Kaies HAJJI district head of water resources, Mr Mohamed BOUASKER founder of Nizar Forage company, Mr Med Elyes HAMZA minister of Agriculture, and Mr Bachir MRAIHI commissioner of CRDA of Tozeur

Mr Kaies HAJJI district head of water resources, Mr Mohamed BOUASKER founder of Nizar Forage company, Mr Med Elyes HAMZA minister of Agriculture, and Mr Bachir MRAIHI

Technical characteristics

of drilling

Beginning of works: 15/10/202

End of works : 15/03/2022

Rig : UPET P 32-1

Depth of recognition = 563m

Logging : By Geo-Control 563m on 26/11/2021

Type of catchment program: Layne

Gravel pack : Nefta quartz gravel calibrated from 2 to 4mm

Developpment : By compressor, pump and packer

Borehole results:
  • Flow=64l/sec
  • Drawdown=15m
  • Static level=-17,30m

For more information on the borehole architecture